Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back to the Blog - reloaded 3

Before more I find that I must an explanation for having simply disappeared with year and ½ of my virtual existence. Yes, I know that you dribble and cried, but I had of being. It was a form to purge my obsessions internally, sufficiently difficult for signal and as they must calculate I repented 2 seconds later. But it was too late.My texts were beautiful (at least of the perspective that a mother looks at a son) written with passion "had been delet" to the speed of the light, even more fast than the empty dreams that represented. It does not stow with measured stockings and it demanded same me a new start and a new form to think. Clearly that he was not same to the wait of a so great change, even because according to Freud, the personality not dumb base of one, nor of one day for the other, nor never. But, continuing, it did not have the certainty to be to the wait to return, was simply to row so that new winds took my boat the good port, but unhappily (or happily) such was not possible and must it attribute to my scarce intelligence solely. It counted to be able to say you that it was of almost made luggage for a destination where Portuguese did not say itself and where he would wait me a new adventure... but still he was not of this and the adventure that waits me is the same one that it every day waits you from the moment where they put a foot it are of the bed.
I attribute this new return to the Christmas time, this year resemble with the departure of my beloved grandfather, whose memory I will keep forever and that I have the certainty to have reached the perpetual rest.
And what about this humble space? Therefore, this still did not occur me. Lately it seems me that the blogoesfera is poor to each day that passes, with those to who was accustomed to give up or to break new projects and to appear, as too much personal mushrooms, snapshots to make sensible. Probably it is to this last group that I belong, but I go to try to surpass my unconsciousness and to become this useful space for somebody. Of a thing I have the certainty, if it dedicated it to the sex i know that it would be a huge success. It is impressive as our society need this! As the mind if return for the meat and the pleasure! We will be to be consumed by some exhumed virus of the bones of our prehistoric ancestor? We will be in a so advanced age to need this retrocession to the corporal level and spiritual? With passing of the time, I go being each more certain time of that coincidences do not exist! Everything happens for some much more deliberate reason of that what it makes look like to the first sight. Therefore if our society is in this point, is with certainty the culprits of this.
For now I am for here and as it could not leave of being, votes of Happy Christmas for all the virtual, not virtual community and similar.


At 12:24 AM, Blogger 365dias said...

well, you write so well in inglês that i have no words to write ;-)


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